Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Virgo - The Doe


July 3rd 2020
Stay in tonight to conserve your energy for a wild weekend.  You may get the chance of a lifetime.  Don't let anyone hold you back from going!  In a few years, looking back on this missed opportunity could be your biggest regret.

The Doe is a creature of natural beauty and simplicity.  These dedicated deer are slowly and silently walking the path of peace in the Forest.  Like their Western Astrology counterpart of Virgo the grain-bearer, the Doe offers abundance by showing her children which fields have the best flowers and herbs to eat. This sign chops wood and carries water, living in a routine of harmony and beauty.  They dislike waste and believe in living with intention.  The Doe is graceful and subtle, walking gently upon the earth.  They have a roseate view of the world.  They appreciate beauty in all its forms and are often artists, writers, musicians...They are kind and reliable to everyone.  They are excellent gift-givers. People want to be around these charming signs.  In a romantic relationship, the Doe loves to be pursued, chased, hunted.  The dark side of this is that the Doe can unknowingly attract stalkers just by being so beautiful and mesmerizing.  Often these humble ones are honestly unaware of the effect they have on others.  In public, the Doe is shy and withholding.  In private, hey will fawn over their loved ones and devote themselves to their partner.  The fragile fawn can be sensitive to criticism, although they themselves are the most critical of all.  For in their quest for perfection, they put impossible standards on themselves and others.  They also tend to keep their emotions and thoughts inside, creating problems for themselves. The karmic life lesson for this sign is to learn to live the real world and not their idealized internal one.  To embrace the rugged earth in loving acceptance and harmony.  To trust the world.

The Bear, The Snake, The Squirrel

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