Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sagittarius - The Hunter


July 3rd 2020
You want to go running off into the wild unknown this weekend, but first tie up loose ends at home and put in time with people.  Then you can let loose!

The Hunter rides through the Forest in the sun, radiant and confident. These signs are well-traveled and full of knowledge.  The trailblazing types rarely miss their mark when it comes to their goals, and are multifaceted in talent.  Like the arrow, they are straight and true, honing in with precision on their goals.  These hunters love to celebrate in the bounty of nature, and have a "work hard, play hard" mentality. They indulge in wine and song, for they know life will not last long.  They are friendly and easygoing, often with friends from all over the world coming to them seeking advice.  A Hunter makes an excellent teacher or guide.  Like Chiron the centaur, the wounded healer archetype this sign knows from experience and can apply that wisdom for the greater good as a healer.  They seek a career that leaves a meaningful impact on the world, a divine mission.  In a romantic relationship, they seek a partner who values freedom from convention  they was philosophical about polyamory or other nontraditional romantic paths.  The Hunter craves adventure and novelty, always targeting new conquests. They do not feel that they own their partners and will not be jealous or possessive.  In the form of a centaur, these signs represent the marriage of animal instinct with higher human thought.  They are balanced and comfortable in their male and female sides. The karmic life lesson for this sign is to trust that true freedom and power lie within one's self and to lose fear of routine or structure in order to thrive in it.

The Doe, The Tortoise, The Bear

1 comment:

  1. Kasvava metsa müük tähendab seda, et müüakse ainult metsamaal kasvavat täiskasvanud metsa, s.o õigust raiuda metsa. Pärast raietöid ja metsamaterjali müüki jääb metsamaa metsaomanikule. Metsa ABC on üks tunnustatumaid ja usaldusväärsemaid metsamajandusettevõtteid Eestis. Metsa ABC murrab tippkvaliteeti ja jätkusuutlikkust tulevase põlvkonna jaoks. Hinnapakkumise ettevalmistamine enne metsa ostmist on tasuta.
