I have been inspired by the cutest forest creature of all - the
squirrel! As I wandered through the park collecting food, I wore a
squirrel pattern shirt, acorn pin, brown shorts with gold & wood
buttons, granola bracelets, and sensible shoes. I took a bit of trail
mix from my brown leather pouch and nibbled on it from time to time...
made this acorn brooch from a toy I found lying around, glue and a pin
back. The shirt was gathered at the Thrift Store Dumpster. I once read
that squirrels are a symbol of resilience and adaptation in folklore...
been wearing these shoes for the past three centuries, it feels like...
In another life I'm sure I had the same worn out brown leather feet
walking the rocky path of a peasant for so long. I'm so tired of
walking, will I ever reach the castle door?
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