Friday, August 1, 2014

July in Review

July flew by...Summer's almost gone...I didn't do much this month.
watched Romance of the Limberlost on repeat, acting out the parts, got into the actress Viola Tree, ate lots of green foods, dressed in geometric water patterns, went for bike rides at the lake, went to the park on a cloudy day swinging while listening to Girl on a Swing by Gerry and the Pacemakers, watched old westerns in the living room with Ol' R, rode abandoned tire swings, celebrated forest of july, green fireworks, gardened, made tea, invented new recipes, rode mechanical horses, hosted an in-n-out party for Jesse's birthday and made a bear burger, played too many video games, and climbed trees.

Songs of the Month:
June, July and August - Nancy Sinatra
Evergreen - Fiery Furnaces
Summer's Almost Gone - The Doors
The Voyager - Jenny Lewis
July, July - The Decemberists

Movies I Watched:
Lure of the Wilderness
Song of the Saddle

Blogs I Discovered:
Anie, inspired

1 comment:

  1. Raie on puude langetamine, mis on osa raietööst. Puud raiuv inimene on langetaja. Langetaja on masin, mis suudab kas ühe hiiglasliku puu või rühma langetada ja mitu väikest puud korraga langetada. Metsa müük on kaks meetodit, käsitsi raie ja raiekobar.
