Friday, January 26, 2018

Magic Pencil Meditation: How This One Simple Trick Helped Me Erase Negative Thoughts for Good

Lately the leaves in the breeze are not at ease.
I've been worried in the woods.  
Every thought a demon uttering falsehoods.
Can't stop battling beasts of burdens I didn't even want to know.  
A tiny acorn cannot grow 
in the shade of an old dead tree.  
Just as dwelling on the past won't set your mind free.

When dealing with intrusive thoughts that so often accompany anxiety and depression, it can be hard to re-direct your focus.  No matter how hard we scream at our brains to shut up, or to stop thinking about something, it seems to be in an endless loop, a highlight reel of our worst nightmares, fears & insecurities.  Luckily, it doesn't have to be that way.  Take back the power to re-write your own destiny with a simple pencil charm!  Here's how:

Step 1: Pencil it In!
Carry a pencil in your pocket.  Whenever intrusive thoughts spring up, take a deep breath and place the eraser on your forehead.  Rub the eraser on your head and count to four forest breaths.  Clear your mind.  This trick is a physical distraction that will take away the thoughts.

Step 2: Erase and Replace!
Take the trick one step further with a small notebook, piece of paper or even a leaf.  Write down an opposite thought to the stressful one.  Next time you need to erase a thought, you can distract yourself further in the forest by re-reading all the mantras you've written, and re-write the script for a better future!

1 comment:

  1. Raie on puude langetamine, mis on osa raietööst. Puud raiuv inimene on langetaja. Langetaja on masin, mis suudab kas ühe hiiglasliku puu või rühma langetada ja mitu väikest puud korraga langetada. Metsa müük on kaks meetodit, käsitsi raie ja raiekobar.
