Friday, January 18, 2019

What We're Reading

Ah, the three day weekend in the woods is almost here and it's snowing. Even though I have to work all day at the library today and at Barnes & Noble tomorrow, I'm looking forward to catching up on my ever growing stack of books. Here are my current favorites:

Witch Wife by Kiki Petrosino
Feminist fairytale poetry with beautiful woodcut print illustrations make this a must read!

Lady of the Limberlost by Jeanette Porter
A biography about a wilderness woman writer by her daughter. Very inspiring to read about the life of Gene Stratton-Porter and her farm.

The Thorn Necklace by Francesca Lia Block
A magical memoir about healing through writing. Gives a lot of insight into the real life experiences which inspired her books.

Crafting with Nature by Amy Renea
A book with lots of quality craft projects and recipes using items found in the forest.

The Enchanted Screen by Jack Zipes
This encyclopedic study of fairy tale and fantasy films has hundreds movies based on magic in it and analyzes each one.

Friends of the Forest, what are you reading this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Kasvava metsa müük tegeleb metsa ostu ja müügiga Eestis. Raiekohta haldavad vajaduse korral kõige keskkonnasõbralikumad metsatehnika ja kogenud töötajad. Metsa ABC on üks tunnustatumaid ja usaldusväärsemaid metsamajandusettevõtteid Eestis. Selle ühistud abistavad metsaomanikke metsa või puidu müümisel ja muude metsamajandustööde tegemisel.
