Wednesday, March 13, 2024

March-to the Forest in the St. Patrick's Parade!



True to my monthly motto, March to the Forest, I recently marched with the fairies of Baltimore in the annual St. Patrick's Day parade! I was listening to heavy, guitar driven psychedelic rock & roll as I dressed for the day. The weather was windy, so layered a brown wool sweater under my green dress as armor against the cold. I brushed my long red hair and wove vines of ivy into it. I wore a silver locket from Ireland and a trifecta ring. In my basket was a book about leprechauns, a green tambourine and cookies.

When I made my way downtown, I couldn't find the fairies! I looked all around, but didn't see Nina or Jeff, the leaders of the troupe. Finally, I spied with my little eye some people dressed in flowers and wings. "That must be them" I walked over and introduced myself and explained how I found them. "Yeah, man, just look for the freaks..." someone said.

We marched all the way down to the end of the line, past the harbor, through snow and wind and sun. When we got to the tavern at the end, someone yelled, "Hear, hear, it's time for a beer!" It was a fun experience and I hope to walk with them again next year.  Watch out for us fairies. We're coming to your town, we'll help you party down!

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