Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Three Floral Teas

We started a miniature apothecary of chamomile, lavender, honeysuckle, rosebuds, red clover, echinacea, blue lotus, and peaflower. Brewing up all kinds of potions from the flowers we gather and grow. Get inspired by these three floral tea ideas! 

Rose, Lavender and Chamomile
This blend has become my go to tea for relaxing after work. It promotes a calm, peaceful and loving feeling.  Brew it in bulk on Sundays, straining the herbs three times. To make the most of this blend, stir clockwise while repeating the mantra "I am feeling more love every day" and visualize your heart chakra filled with light.

Echinacea and Red Clover
A mixture of two red flowers that promotes wellness and eases women's pain. Boil up a batch as needed...We must note that echinacea is an endangered plant, so only take what you truly need.

Blue Lotus and Pea Flowers 
This blend produces a beautiful hue of a blue potion, which promotes relaxation. The pea flowers are packed with antioxidants, while the lotus flower has been used since the Ancient Egyptian era to promote euphoria and lucid dreaming. 

I pour my herbs into the pot, drizzle them with honey then fill with water. Bring the blend to a boil, then remove from heat and leave covered. The longer you steep the tea, the stronger it gets. Pour the mixture through a strainer and decant into bottles. Store in the refrigerator.

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