Sunday, January 27, 2019

Weekend in the Woods

It's been a good week in the woods.  I spent it mostly working my two jobs at the bookstore and library, reading, writing, cooking forest foods, working on my RPG Maker game Witch's World, crafting dark forest décor, walking through the park, and dreaming up wonderful new words to write!
It's a new year, a fresh start and I've been feeling more like "me-elf" than I have in years.  I can finally focus on the forest again and have been planning lots of wonderful things for the year!
My boyfriend Colin was on tour over the weekend and I had the apartment all to myself,  I decided to tackle our shared closet, Marie Kondo style, and purge through all the clothes I don't want to take to The Clothing Swap on Saturday, February 2nd.  I can't wait to see all my friends and exchange clothes.  It's so nice to see all my stuff displayed nicely again...
Wandering through the park I find some interesting things, like this little fairy door with a forest spirit next to it!  My personal philosophy is 'You never know what's going to happen on a walk" and it has proven true countless times for me.  I meet people, find things, and just open up to more opportunities to connect with the universe.
Tomorrow is my only day off from both jobs, and I'm feeling quite eager to file my taxes tomorrow while the government shutdown is on hold.  I'm planning on using my return to buy a car and have my heart set on an old woody station wagon like this!  Soon I'll be able to go hiking, camping and shopping at Dollar Tree again (they don't have them in the city).

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