As this year wraps up... I'm wrapping up reports, articles, assignments, and projects. All the while studying like crazy. During a rare respite this winter, I am tying up loose ends on old projects from earlier in the year and looking towards the future. Researching topics to write about and planning my articles out for the new year. This led to drafting up a list of writing resolutions for 2022...
1. Continue crafting quality articles for The Forest.
Don't worry, dear readers. Even though I am busier than ever, my main priority is still working on creating the best content for the Forest. I will be writing plenty of pieces on the forest lifestyle including crafts, recipes, ideas, and more.
2. Finish writing my book Forest Fortune-Telling.
This project has been in the works for years and I plan to write all about various methods of divination, from oak leaf reading to working with animal archetypes. The book will include a custom tarot deck, too!
3. Write more short stories.
I am excited to write more fairy tales, fables and short stories about the strange and otherworldly encounters I have had in the city and surrounding forests. Some of this stuff is just too good to be true!
4. Syndicate The Forest into a print newspaper.
The plan is to publish monthly papers of the best articles on this blog along with monthly Forestscopes, a crossword and classified ads section. I will distribute the papers by bicycle or standing on the street corner.
5. Collaborate with other writers.
I am lucky enough to be surrounded by other writers, such as my boss at the Library, Emma Beavin and friend Kelly White. These women are wonderful writers who I turn to for guidance and support. I can't wait to talk to them more this year and possibly collaborate on some projects.
6. Write more spells, rituals, and meditations.
A subject I have long shied away from due to an early censorship scare a decade ago is spiritual writing. I have a lot of ideas and knowledge to share but never felt I could express myself. This year I am shedding that fear and openly exploring this topic!
7. Write for different blogs and websites.
Start submitting pieces to several different online publications, write for local newsletters and zines, maybe even do a write up for the Charles Villager? This is a very important technique for new writers.
8. Cover groundbreaking local news.
Get out there where the action is and be the first to write about the most interesting events in your neck of the woods!Really scope out the scene and dig deep to find out what's going on in the forests this year.
9. Continue the foray into music journalism.
This is a new project that I just started in the penultimate period of the year. A second blog just to write about my hobby of rare 1960's psychedelic music that I discover daily. It's a good outlet for me.
10. Don't forget to focus on photojournalism!
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words and if you don't have a great shot to go along with the headline, you're missing out on a large visual audience. I am going to buy a new camera this year and go on more expeditions, like a photographer for National Geographic.
Reader, what are your writing resolutions for next year?
Good question! 🤔