Friday, March 4, 2022

Psychedelic 60s Vegetable Playlist

Fresh off the farm, here's a bumper crop of psychedelic 60s songs about vegetables!

The Beach Boys - Vegetables
"I'm gonna be round my vegetables, I'm gonna chow down my vegetables, I love you most of all, my favorite vegetable..." The sunny song from their twelfth studio album is alot mellower and psychedelic than their earlier surf songs.

The Kingsmen - Jolly Green Giant
Classic frat party rock song from the 1960s is an ode to the frozen and canned foods conglomerate mascot, the Green Giant. The song was covered by other British boy bands such as The Royal Guardsmen.

Syd Barrett - Vegetable Man
Early Pink Floyd track from the Barret era. Unpopular opinion, I prefer the early albums to their later works with Roger Waters. This song truly captures how it feels when you are what you eat.

Bee Gees - Cucumber Castle
Fresh off their first album, a psychedelic baroque pop masterpiece comes this song. "There were trees, see the grass, a thing gets inspired. But leaving his grass was a sin but he did. Cucumber Castle be ever so humble it's home..."

The Vejtables - Anything
Relatively unknown California band from the 1960s singing a song about abundance. And what could be more abundant than a spring harvest of vegetables?

Almond Lettuce - Magic Circle
"Together we will run, forever in the sun. And everyone would know that girl was mine. When they see that magic circle how it shines..." UK psychedelic pop band I recently discovered on the Piccadilly Sunshine compilation.

The Association - Broccoli
Windy rockers The Association returned for their fifth album which marked a turning point for the band's evolution into a more mature and diverse act. This strange song songs the praises of the cruciferous plant.

1 comment:

  1. with your Honeysuckle Shortbread Cookies recipe you for got to add how much salt is needed, please fix this cause i have been waiting to make it
