Sunday, November 27, 2022

Weekend in the Woods


November is almost over, as Thanksgiving vacation comes to a close and the weekend is almost over. It's time to start holiday shopping and wrapping up another wonderful year here at The Forest.

Thursday morning I went for an early morning walk to the Church of the Guardian Angel for their holiday party and $1.00 winter coat sale. I bought three nice coats, including a vintage London Fog trenchcoat made in Baltimore!

We drove out to Tom's parents for Thanksgiving and I enjoyed the seasonal scenery along the winding road...farms, horses, Greenwood's General Store, gnome statues, deer, rivers and woods...It was wonderful.

Watched Chip and Dale cartoons on Saturday morning, the dynamic duo just started in a new forest film. They inspire me. While I was watching, I sewed a squirrel patch onto some thrifted brown slacks...

Sunday was the seasonal record swap at Peabody Heights, I went and grabbed a few goodies. Some more rare psychedelic recommendations from my regulars, and some classics of the "forest folk" genre...

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